In the course of bringing you the latest news for our Salutes & Shout Out page, I personally visit all the Calgary restaurants to meet the owners and chefs, try their dishes, and take some snaps.
In March, we brought you news of The Dandelion’s new owners, and on a visit to meet them I tried Mum’s Moroccan Soup, which is so delicious I just had to ask how it was made.
“That sweet, spicy, smoky smell that travelled from the kitchen to greet us at the front door after many cold school days and work nights, will always remind me of moments that I hold very closely,” says co-owner, Caleb Olney.
“Still to this day soup is a regular occurrence in my own kitchen for my partner and friends; it's a direct link to comfort, love and warmth. No one makes this soup better than my mum, Eilleen Gwennie May. This soup will change your life.”
With love, Caleb “The Son”
Thanks so much to Olney for sharing this recipe - there couldn’t be a more fitting tribute for Mother’s Day!
- Linda Garson